I don't add YOU would like it mu::ch = = I would like, [ no there would XXXXXXX] [ He would not like it at all] Then why do you do it to HER? ME:::N, I don't know why we are doing things that we are doing like. I know to. ((laughing)) What? ((laughing)) And XXX, what were happen in Vegas? Uhm, I was having a couple of bodies I were hanging out with in Vegas that played XXXXX be a XXXX [and] like to start to have a nice time = [He -hhhmmm] = I mean that is bXXXXX that means I don't sleep with her, I wake up to her = [That's always::s] = Yeah, I mean [we want[ --> [Not those two days in Vegas she didn't[ --> [He could've] called me, Ricki, He could've called me. (0.5) I could've called her, but ugh, I don't wanna argue on the phone, I wanna go home and deal with the situation AAAA Ok, what I don't understand Angelique, this guy is a total stranger. You open up your heart, you talk about AAAA. Why can't you tell Vincent that? He told me, that he was gonna fix it for me, so that I can look like a (1.0) ughugh ((kind of laughing)) Vincent, (.) Vin[cent why do you] think that? [Ohh, my Go::::::::::d] I think she's crazy, Ricki. [XXXXXXX] [Oh] [(audience is laughing)] And, [[XXXX[--> [[You think Angelique is crazy?] = = Yeah, because she XXX down in a relationship with earlier in a relationship and she should expect that - uh - from the conversations we had (.) you know what I mean = [I mean]m ((audience ohhhh)) Anything I'm doing right now, is like (.) I'm really doing it right now you [XXXXXXXXXXX [He XXXXXXXX I am entertained, I'm trying to have abilitity, = I'm say[ing XX[ --> [Exactly] [Yeah, but like you say, the p::::ast was still, right?] [Yeah] I'm gonna [wXXX] [Right?] What's the past? AAA[AA] [I don't know what he did.] ((audience laughing)) I don't know what you did in Vegas. I didn't (.) XXXX (0.5) break it up = Vincent, how are you feeling right know = I'm feeling terrible hurt. you feeling (.) you hurtin', [[you hurten] [[I feel hu:rt b]ecause I love her = Darling do you know what I say XXXXXXXXXX [Yeah] But now he knows [howXX[ --> [You know[ --> You know how [XXXXXXXXX] [It's almost] a good thing that you are hurting Vincent, because what if I was to tell you is that we just faked that confession to get revenge on you. Ok, but wait, Jessica, Jessica. That does make a lot of sense but why are you pregnant today? Because this is something that we have talked about (.) This is something that we planned together because he has AAAAAA at the time he wasn't (.) we moved in very quickly we [XXXXXXXX[ --> [How about] you Rene? Worried. You are worrying you've five now six kids, wow. Yes, and, and, and [XXXXXXXXXX] [I don't really] know this is my XXXX But you know I was pregnant you know that, you know that AAAAAA How many times had you an affair XXXXX? How many times and I have always forgiving you for all of those = = and you were having sex with this (.) with these girls = and I have not had sex and you gonna find that out today Ui You're safe, all round up for watching when the test comes XX[XXXXX[ --> [Okay tell] me what else = = gonna [happen, did anything happen?] [Ok, did you XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX] That's not all. = XXXXXX all. = All you did is XXXX. XXXXXXXXXXXX as XXXX[XXXXXX[ --> [Did you kissed him?] No.(.) I did not. Not even a kiss. He expected one (.) but I didn't give him one. And if you did, it's gonna happen. I told you, Rene, I told you. I'm not [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [We:::ll[ --> [Uh if you did, if you ] did kiss him XXXXXXXX and what's gon[na happen?] [If I did ] What's gon[na happen?] [What else] gonna happ[en? Tell us.] [Yeah, what] else's gonna happen?] [Rene,]= I mean you can go yourself your way, I can go my [way XXXXXXXXXX] [I leave] yeah I leave. ((audience applauding)) Did you- (.) if you don't trust each other, which is obvious today. Why are you making babies and why are you planning weddings together. What - what's the point of being together ((audience applauding)) Ricki, for a year and a half I have put XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ok. I've been through- (.) through lots of mess with his ex-wives and- and [what XXX[ --> [with his ]ex-wives? Plural. ((audience applauding)) Two. Yes, two. Two (1.0) ok? He is [haXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] so many affairs he has aback [What an expansion he married again.] [[No I haven't][you have no proof] [[And not just] one, [ not just one ] that I've nothing- (.) that I've been nothing wrong [with that XXXXXXXX[ --> [Oh yeah, you] can say that, we've a guest on the schedule. we have him. ((audience: Yeaa.::hhh)) Yeah, yeah, yeah. How do you treat him? Well = Terrible. No. Yeah. No, I just have a bad temper and he knows it [[I --> [[Your bad temper , and you- you hit him, you slap him, you spit on him you throw things at him ((audience: ohhhh)) Wait a minute, wait a minute, there's a really (.) no::: you don't (.) [ --> [ You can't say it is a good rea[son for doing that] [No, I know you're] right No, you're right but the thing is he just (.) does things he- I feel like he does them on purpose to try to take me off No. No. You do and you know you do You know I've a bad temper So, why do you sit there and do things XXXXX pass me up So Ramsin, you like the fact that Oatah comes to your defense? Yeah, I'm ah-[ [He doesn't speak up for himself I just, I've:::: really realized that if two people wanna argue. It lasts for like two, three days AAAAAAA For us to argue [those[ --> [That's not the point though Two or three days[XXXX] [That's] not the point You shouldn't sit there and stick his nose where it doesn't belong And you shouldn't be throwing him (.) and throwing things at him or hitting him, [he's supposed to XXXX you] [No, I shouldn't but the thing] No, you don't know what he has said to me things - he's (.) he's [called me XX pretty bad] [As we know here] in the Ricki Lake Show, Violence is never the answer = I know Yeah. ((audience applauding)) Oh, my God. XXXX I need to come down to be hard on you, you know when we come down there are a lot of guys that beat up their women [[I, ugh[--> [[there's no difference as you- you [beating him[ --> [I don't beat him up though Ugh I can't believe What do you mean you're going nowhere? I mean, her best friend (.) moved in (.) don't do - XXXXXX when I first moved in I was cleaning up everything, cooking (.) up to now XXXXX so she moved in, when she moved in [XXXXXX[ --> [So you are saying this best friend- this best friend moved in and this best friend does nothing [(.) around] the house [Yeah, yeah]. And you feel then- then you have no other right to do nothing round the house = Right. She do wai- he don't do nothing. He don't want XXXX He thinks a woman is supposed to do everything for him Do you [XXXXXXXX?] [The cooking food, washing XX[XXXXX] [No]. [I need no] woman= =Who cook nothing for me AAAAA But- but he feels that a woman should have to do it (2.0) Is that true, Edward? He don't[ --> [Sometimes Huh Where'd you wanna be XXXXX, I gonna tell you (1.0) Ugh-[X--> [Edward? Where is your thinking? Oh, man. Well, I don't like this Ricki, her best friend, she moves in [[and go out] every weekend [[XXXXXXX] every weekend expect me to babysit with XXXX AAAA My husband babysits what I need you to babysit for? So [you were going], Valerie just said that pictured you're ['Cause I will] living in her house, [[In her]XXXXXX house, [[Yeah] you're a grown man, you look real nice, [[You XXXXX] your relationship [[Thank you] why can't you live on your own? Well, I'm in- I'm in XXXXXX ((audience applauding)) Ok, well AAAA But (.) I'm not leaving till she leave, no. That for- That's for sure. But [XXXXXXXXXXXXX[ --> [Your ultimatum is you]'ll not leave until her best friend leaves? True, that's true. That has nothing do with it. [[Were XXXXX[--> [That's it] [[Then tell him exact[ly what you] want. I want him to XXXXXXX because he is grown, he don't need to stay with me, he can go stay with anybody else. Why he pick me to stay with him in the first place. I don't [understand] it [Heheh] [[He think]- I mean he come to my house [[Yeah.] AAAA =and you know, working two jobs doing yo fourteen, fifteen [hours a day] [yeah, these are] pictures out of the way you used to li[ve right?] [Yeah, ye]ah. and in uh- on the way a couple of years already. I'm getting some weight but you know what Some weight? AAAA Do you feel that you're not supported by your wife? I try with everything Do you feel like she doesn't support you? No she-[--> [I can't support him. Hahaha. No, we do have a good relationship ah, overall, uh you know five kids and twenty-two years, yeahh::: = and a lot of food [[Talk about your food] [[Lot[ --> [lot of food] [[Ahh[ [yo, a lot of food] Ricki, I like to eat, you know [I X --> [I don't blame you. I do, [too] [= oh], really No, but you know what? AAAA There's the captain Crunch? Yeah, I-I-I- I get on binges, I don't need that XXXXX AAAA I'll sit there Sunday afternoon, she works Sundays, ok, I'll sit there with the kids, I'll do the pancakes and the bacon, yeah = and the sausage Yeah, well, ok ((Steve laughing)) And juice, [yeah] [And the] [baXXX] [And the] McDonald's and chocolate bars Yeah, I- but you know, ugh, Ricki, I'm having fun at live at this age. You know what I'm saying? I am really happy with myself. My family [XXXXXXXXXXXX] [Is it that what it is] about Maryanne? He is happy. [[He's enjoying life.] [[Make me happy.] Make me happy. I wanna be proud of him. [[I XXXXXXX a nice guy] [[And what are you saying to a nice guy] like him [To what?] She's a Pierce Brosnan, bitch. I must be looking like Pierce Brosnan and you know, ugh I [mean [--> [you know what, we- we obviously= = unfortunately we can't get you losing your pounds in the course of an hour but we can give you a mini makeover how do you like that? Yeahaha. I would [like this] ((audience applauding)) [Yeah?] Maybe we get- give you a haircut= = What? = [[shave the beard, [give you nice clothes] [[What you[ --> [What that doesn't looks good?] This my chil[ling-up clothes] [We gonna hook you] up, honey, we gonna hook you up. So Marc. Wow, what do you think about this business, this webcam business? I think it's ugh disgusting, it's you know (Bella giggling)) It is, it's just absolutely disgusting Thank you. And you blamed Indica for her getting into this? I blame Indica for her getting into the striptease part of it, doing the newt things on camera, uhhm, going [about the night clubs] [But XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [Sometimes I do, ugh XXXXX] Oh, you do this? Yeah, huhuha Yes. And that's all Indica's fault = = Did Indica really get you into this? No. Absolutely not, I mean I [was XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [Why are you saying yes?] 'Cause Indica has a huge influence on that Ugh And you haven't actually met her [XXXXXXXXX] [No.] [she has not]= she has not an influence on me. Am I allowed to just to get [this XXXXX?] [yeah, XXXXXX] ((Bella and Marc try to quarrel, host waits for a short while)) What do you think of Indica? I think she has (.) ugh (.) cancered the society, that (.) ugh (.) she's just trash. She has no (0.5) [she has no business (.) being involved] (1.0)= [(interrupted by the applauding audience)] in what she was doing before = but surely you ['ll [ --> [What Indica is doing is cashing in on men] Exactly = =but that's (0.5) for Indica's to ruin her own life that's not to ruin Bella's life [[How is]] my life ruined? [[Would]] Would you say to Indica what you just said to us. You would you wouldn't say that [XXXXX] [Uh, I've] never met her, of course I would, why wouldn't I? If you just sat one time and watch when I do like my boyfriend do, when he had a problem with it, you would realize it is not as serious as (0.5). Did you show him this clip (.) the clip of me? = No. [[Now :: I didn't] [[That's- That's] what we should've done, is that you see how innocent it really is [[I think] [[It is (.) it is innocent to go to the hotel rooms and [dancing for people finally] It's dancing you don't huh] You don't know what's going on there and I'm so [XXXXXX] [okay okay (.) okay, okay] [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] just a dance [I'm the one there, I know exactly what's going on, they're watching] Twelvehun[dred dollars you get?] [Tss:::::::::::::::::::::::::::] Women do it all the time. Yeah. And they're not just dancing. Oh[oo] [That's not my problem] [((audience applauding))] Okay, we gonna take a break (.) we gonna take a break and when we come Indica and Marc meet face to face for the [first time] and uh- [Can I move] hahaha You wanna (.) she wants to move cause she thinks things are gonna get heated XXXX So, where did you get all that stuff he is telling [anywhere? [That's my] money. I have my money saved. I don't need [mo::ney ] [Oh, yeah?] I don't need XXXX= = oh yeah? XXX I'm an independent woman (.) [I'm] not dependent on you. Oh ye[ah?] ((audience applauding)) How are you an independent woman when you go at work? How are you an independent [woman] when you XXXX?] [Ok:::: I] mean, I haven't been working for the past nine and a half years You were at school = = Ok [And we get you (.) a financial detract (.) which is like two thousand dollars.] = [And now XXXXX to get more money so I will have to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXthis.]= = Ok, so let me ask you this. Uhm. I understand that you're having such great doubts about the twins that you put things on Facebook. What do you put(.) what (.) cause [ this] will come back to haunt these children [Yeah.] [[What is it you're doing?] [[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] What are you doing on Facebook? Look at her (.) She's a beautiful woman (.) No, no, no. [[What are you doing on f- ] [[= But she is very sneaky. ] Wh[at are you doing] on Face[book?] [XXXXXX[ [I put -] I put it up (.) that's a get back to her= [[=To get XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [[= Uhhhh.] [Pictures of-[ [[XXXXX]] [[Put-[[ You put pictures of the children with random men next to them? Uhm. You wanna be ve:::ry ca::reful but - (.) =Men out there with bad thoughts in their head [(.) don't] take that as a signal= [Exactly.] = You know what I am saying [(.) and I] mean that seriously. [Exactly.] ((audience is applauding)) I need to say [(0.5) ] that's important. [Thank you] Now. (.) Have you ever found anything on her phone (.) - textmes[sages ](.) = [uhm.] =sometimes to see what evidence you have that [she's doing] [I found ] (.) ugh = = incriminated stuff about (.) her ex telling uhm (.) - telling uhm (.) how he::::: (.) uhm (.) he could do her right = = I could ((censored)) uhm - how I could ((censored)) the right way (0.5) = ((laughing)) = and all the stuff na (.) = Is it OK? [= XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [= she actually has no responses] = = she has no responses to it = because [XXXXXXXXX true [XXXXXXfeel like] come on now (.) we've been through with it [Listen ] [[XXXX listen] [[come on] (.) I'm listening. [we've (.) ok (.) ugh] I'll have- (.) ok (.)= = I keep my phone with me because he likes to go through my text messa[ges] [But] did you have= = any text messages? = No I did not - (.) he is XXXXX no. So you think she is going with strange men two and a half month after giving birth? Of course because she is going out there and, and, and, and she just had twins as she just said and this is the first time and he wanted XXXXXXXXXX that now he AAAA [((audience applauding))] [All right. (1.0) Now, (2.0) Melissa's sister is here.] AAA Do you think a lot would be better if you be married to a white guy? I mean my life would be different. Ugh, in what way? We probably would had a better house.We probably would had a better car right now. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Yes, in[deed]. [You-] You're crazy. = XXXXX sports You're literally crazy. Ok. I am cra((censored) You can [call me what]ever work to be hon[est] = [Ugh- (.) ugh ][Ok-] Which's long been [XXXXXXX] [Are you-] Do [you feel-] [Don't you] think [right. You think XXXXXX ]now. [Look, can I just ask you -] [[No, cause I XXXXXX beneath the lines] [[Do you feel uncomfortable with ]:our audience. We have several black people in the audience. Does that worry you at all? No, because there is security here. uhahah ((Trisha laughing)) ((audience clapping their hands, whistling)) Wow. Wow. Wow. Are you serious? Secu[rity]. [Are you] serious? Security. (0.5) Security. (1.0) Security. I'm fine. [[Ah-[ [[Just security] Settle down ghetto rats. ((audience laughing)) XXXXXXXXXXX. I'm glad= =Glad you think it's fine. Are you- Are you worried about me. Are you worried that I come over and mug you or something? Or uh am I OK? [[I XXX[ [[The way[ she act you would think [soXXX[ [No, I [ - I'm interested [in e::h] - in [Uhmm] I don't feel any intimidation towards you. You [are uhhh:[ [XXXX are [am I different? Just the way you talk. [[Is::[ [[O:::h], the English accent? Yee[:::sss]. [Oh, wo:::w]. Is that [what you] see as a- a white accent? [Wo:::w] Yee::s. It sounds very good. I feel safe around you. ((audience laughing) Here it is. She feels safe (1.0) around you. You don't even know, ui, ui, ui. ((audience laughing because Trisha sticks out her tongue)) Ok, le-let's ((censored)) this for a moment. Now, this sugar daddy of yours, this:: ((breathes out heavily)) I- I don't have a sugar daddy Oh[::[ [I do]n't know [ --> [He gives you money for what? I clean up this man's house. He's a older man = Ok = and I go and I clean up, [ok] [Would you XXXXXXXXX?] No. I'm not. ((audience: boo) XX[XXXXXX] [Did he- ] does he ever- Can I ask you if he-[ --> [I ]not even wanna answer that. That- that is [just a silly[ [how much money[ Ugh, how much money [is he XXXX[ [Ugh, nobody would give you money for that] AAAAAA So I did never text that man [for one[ [That's exactly what I mean] = = I pay ren[t, a] uh your rent, [ugh ((coughing)) [Exactly][Exactly, that's] what = I'm [saying. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [Can I ask you - Oohhhhhh:::[ [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] What's the most he has ever paid you? Uhhm, the most he has paid me was two hundred dollars. ((audience laughing)) What's the least? The least he has paid me (0.5) was about one fifty I don't think sleeping around was worth anything like that No, not probably. ((audience applauding)) XXXXXXXX only what I did I don't - you know what I feel the love is gone, you can say I love no more Where do you have sex XXX? = A lot of XXXXXXXXX ((audience applauding)) So hang [out], what if XXXXX comes over, and - what you::uu go over = [Oh, guy] = you didn't know this So you go over for XXXpleads or something? Yes ma'am, and uhhm I'm [ --> [But you ask him to XXXXpleads? Yes, ma'am I thought you said [jump XXXXX[ --> [It was jump[ the table Yes. Now, it was jump the table XXX - ugh, our car was really messed up at that time when we needed to jump theXXXX so we [can] get once a [week so we XXXX] [S::] [so how did it go] from there to (0.5) [having sex]? [Uh, he was] our neighbor, he used to come over and work on our computer = [[= and[ --> [[So, who] came on to who, did he come [XXX[ --> [He came] on to me [knowing my ] financial situations [What did he say]? Oh, he said would you have sex for money or something? Uh, no, he said would you take pictures for me and uh::[ --> [What kind of pictures we're talking about? Some of them are just new pictures and others are just right XXXXX pictures standing out XXXX You seen these pictures, right? I- I knew, one instant where- where we [was --> [What's that picture? Uh, it was just some XXXXXX photos, stuff like that = ((audience: boo)) But I know XXXXXXX naked photos all the time and[ --> = = You - you didn't know that? No= = Until [now] [= Absolutely] not Well, let me tell you last night, Amanda took a lie detector test and during that test I know you wanted to come clean = = Yes You wanted to lay all your cards on the table today= = Yes ma'am And finally (.) be honest to Junior = Yes, ma'am Ok. So, (.) ugh (.) you admitted to some things. How many times did you say she has admitted to cheating. You said seven times you think with three different men so I [ --] [She's - she's admitted to the men and she hasn't actually admitted to each occasion but I (.) I (.) I think it's been about seven times between looking on the computer and what she's told me so about seven- seven times So, how many times have you cheated? Uhhm. Ugh, I'm interested in a few other things. How many times have you cheated? Hmm. Ugh, I cheated maybe twice ((audience: ohhh)) Maybe Yeah. Let me ask you about the Valentine's Daay:[:y bas]ket? [Ok] Did you (0.5) give that to somebody who had already given it [to you] and you[ --> [That's crazy No = No >/C> You didn't No. So, you spent a lot of time at your mum's when[ you go --> [No I don't] No, I don't, I go over to her, I do whatever I gotta do for my Mum and I leave And where do you go? I've no destination. There's no way possible I can tell you (.) where I'm going 'cause I don't know I just go ((audience applauding)) [[What-[ [[This is] how it is= = Are you alone? I'm alone. I've been alone all my life. Uhm, I don't have no brothers. I have no sisters [I'm on myself ] [ XXXXXXXXXXXX eleven years] XXX[XXX] [Yeah.] [I go] I'm- I'm just going where I go. There is no certain de[stination] [what do you] do? I just ride [[Um[ --> [[Some[ Sometimes I ride on the bike And I just ride [on the back road XXXXXXX[ --> [SoXX[ --> [she's angry] because she thinks maybe you ride in a woman That's her insecurities. ((audience applauding)) That's her insecurities. Ugh, you know [what I don't have an insecurity ] [Has she ever seen me on the bike with a] woman, huh? You are the one that has given me this insecurity = No, y-y-y AAAAAA Yes, you have. You've done too much. XXX[XXX done too much?] [Is-is-is you're doing] too much = You know but you depend on me depend on me for every day Ok, hang on, hang on. What do you wanna do? Do you wanna be together? Do you wanna work on the relationship? You may have to learn to be more soft and forgiving. You may have to learn to be more assertive. It will take a lot of work = Ok But you need to have the will first [[= Right] [[Other]wise nothing will work Do you wanna[--> [I-I-I- I got the will] Do you - you wanna [work on a relationship] [I-I-I wanna] work on a relationship with her. Ok, for me the XXXXXX in his XXXXX But I'm still gonna be watching, so I don't know that's why [XXXX [huh][XXXX] no, no. 'Cause he[::e-] he's gonna [do it] again [XXX] [XXX] There's no doubt [XXXXX] [All right] Where do we be, when we be in a AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA But perhaps maybe I do, I'm not living under a [bridge] [[All right[ --> [[XXXXXXX] with somebody else We'll be right back ((audience applauding)) Ah, let's get serious.

= Come on. Quite possibly one of the worst accusation she could possibly made (.) I mean that I have heard in all my time XXX believes that you and your sister had a sexual relationship =

= And that is ridiculous This [XXX] [If I ] chose to be with a female I guarantee you it will not be my blood sister.

Ey, Jere[my XXX]

And that['s one hundred.

Jer [

I don't want to be with any female XXX not with my own [sister]

[I even am sure-]

[I never did XXXXXXXX] [What has it] done to you two = = to all of these accusations in the last few minutes? I am sorry. What has it done to this relationship, to you two? It is devastating. It is XXXXX and I'm actually tired. And when he get these results it's not even deal with XXXX as a problem. I go Talk to him. Not make love.


[[With]] a male worthy I have never cheated AAA ((they quarrel and Kyle watches)) Ah, you've seen the XXXXX a lot people say that when the main accusations (.) and, you (.) you accuse people the whole [time?]

[No, no sir ]

It's because you're - no, no wait X [because you're hiding] something yourself [And uh XXXXXXX]

No. No.

Did you [do a lie detector?] [And what was in] your [XXXX texts, huh]

[No I did - no. No.]

[[Let's talk about that.]

[[I do (.)]

I do a lie [detector test.]

[What texts?] The text in his XXXX. So you [are XXX[ --> [The text] someone send I wanna touch and XXXX.

[Ah, right, yeah, right.]

[That is not what I will.] How more simple can it be? I can't read?

[[Je- Jer-]

[[Did you] - did you - no, no, no, no, no. Let's get to it. Apparently she's supposed to sleep with her sister =


[[Did you] want to touch and taste somebody?

No, Jeremy, Jere[my, Jeremy]

[Did you], yes or no?

XXXXXXXXXXit takes like that [one.

[So maybe I did]


[[ Yeah], but that would slightly concern me. Were there new pictures on the phone as well?

New pictures [no. XXXX, (.) no]

[No, there weren't new pictures XXX]

Just it takes (.) it was just a couple of [XXXXXXXXXXXXX]

[It's not what it was] he was saying because of a different situating (.) a different situation he want to happen. These accusations might sound crazy to a lot of people but they are massive accusations and (.) uh, the impact on (.) if they are not true, if they are true on this relationship is absolutely huge [And] there are children stuck in the middle [Yes.] [Did you] honestly believe that she has cheated? [Yes, it is]

Uh, y- in the beginning, yeah

There is a part of you that actually believes that JBO is not yours?

There's a part of me [that oXXXXXX[ -->

[You also belief] in part that she might have had a sexual relationship: With [her sister?]

[Yes sir, yes.]

I tell [you mor]e when [we come] BAAACK

[Yes.][Yes] we gonna find out if Sapphire is in fact is having sex with her sister.

Tell me about the bugging the phone I XX[XXX] [I did]n't bugging the phone = = Yes you did. = Ok, I eavesdropped Ok. ((audience is laughing)) No:: Eav[sdro]pped [Uh::] I mean, he told me the whole conversa[tion ] [Eavesdropped] So [[can you explain[ - can you explain to a forty-six XXXXXXX what is the difference [[And XXXXXXXX] = Between bugging a phone and listening [in some XXXXX conversation] What? [Uh, it is the] same thing It is the same thing = Thank you. Why would you that XXXX you don't trust her? Well [[--> [[You think she's being lazy and then she's asking men right? Whuhu- Well, for number one XXXXX the last time we had sex. [[Right?] [[Ugh.] = Must I? When was the last time you had sex [XXXX]. [I don't] even remember I don't know. See I'm [busy]. I'm [a mother. I have a million] things to do. [So][So she makes me insecure] She [makes me insecure]. [We're hearing it from his side] = = There are two sides [XXXXX] [She makes] me insecure [now eh[ --> [So you work] all day The house is not greatly covered = Yeah Your wife is not interested in you sexually at all, you thinking XXXXXXX[XXXXXX[ --> [She's not into it] She don't love me no more, I sleep on - on - on the coach on the floor and she's just [XXXXX] [And that's] his choice Why would [XXXXXXXXX?] [That's his choice]. Discuss [XXXX] [Because he won't sleep in the bed with me] Do you think the way to a woman's heart is to be a daily check-up on her, make sure you know how much she spends, bully her the whole time [and spent] Saturday nights = No, [the-[ --> In a club with a single bloke (.) [Look at] your woman] No, [the-[ --> [That's why]. [[That's why. ] [[Why don't you] take your wife out XXXXXXXXX diner [for XXXXXX]? [That's why]. = With the money - [the money part is-] [That's why]. [[No.] [[That's why.] No. No. That's [why.] [The money] part- the money part is she - she's spending out of the money is for XXXX Detergent No, but she not - She not [XXXXXX the bags] [[Detergent, exactly, detergent]. [[Can we XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [Can I tell you 'bout] the bags she's sneaking in = = After the detergent All women [go] shop[ping and they] bring stuff at home [Wait] [Yeah, all women] =And hide it in the wardro[be] [Ok] = And then when they = Put it on [six months later-[ --> [I deserve] something XXXX[XXX, honey] [Let me teach you] about women = They say you seen that before and then you go no I haven't ((audience applauding)) And that's what happens [[= Yeah] [[That's] - that's what [happens] [Yeah, exactly] What [happens] [Exactly] Tha::- that's not- [--> [But the thing is[ --> [That- that is not about you going out On Saturday with a single bloke to a club. Why [[don't you] take your wife out [(.) answer that] [[Well I -[ --> [That's right] = we met in a club That's right. We met in a club. I take her out for time to time but if I work all week I wanna go out wa-[wa XXXX[ --> [What do you tell your] wife XXXXX? Look at me. Did you lie? Have you cheated? (1.0) ((audience: ohhhh)) Maybe once. ((audience: ohhhh)) Oi, oi. Let me get to this. Let me get his side. Wesley, welcome to the show before we do anything else. Ugh, just came on her XXXXXXXXXX quite strongly that Monica, Rebecca's mother had sent texts of her breasts Yeah[h::::::: on memory] [He's such an old liar] [[On memory ] [[Ask him where his phone is] Ask him where [his phone is] [On memory XX[XXX[--> [Oi, oi, I wanna hear his side. Be quiet = He don't have no side he [XXXXXXXXX] [Yes, he does] Be quiet Ey:: Oi. Stop grinning like an XXXXXX cat and concen[trate] on what I'm saying [ts] Right, see (.) = Ok [[What-[ --> [[= XXXXX here is like a sneaky cat] Darling, listen to me. Be quiet = [Okay:]: [I wanna] hear his side on XXXX saw this, ok He don't have a side Yes, he does. [Be quiet]. [Okay] We'll hear it If he's [lying[ --> [It could be all lies cause that's all he does] And I'll find it out [[but it's] not gonna happen unless you shut it a minute, all right? [Ok] I can't. Yes, you can No, I can't. You have to. Okay. Wesley, (1.0) you take a young girl who has never been in trouble with the cops and you sell drugs from her car, why did you do that? 'Cause that's what I do. She X[XXXXXXXX[ [You're a [ drug dealer, yeah? [[H-[--> [[You sell that stuff that destroys people's lives and buy clothes like this. Is that what you do? No, uh sir, XXXXXXXXXX Really? Yeah. You don't uh-[ ((audience ahhhhh)) I don't actually care what the audience think about what I gonna say to you. I've done this a long time = Ok = And scum like you that [think] it's ok [mhm] To make money from selling drugs (.) are the lowest [mhm] of the bloody low that is the point ((audience applauding)) Yes sir, you don't know me, Sir, you really don't know me so [you really don't[ --> [I don't] care whether you pretend to be the nicest man in the world when you make money out of other people's misery and I tell you why I have an opinion on this another time that is disgusting selling drugs, ruining people's lives and thinking you look cool you look ridiculous, ok? That is the truth. ((audience applauding)) Ok What? I said ok. So, you XX[ --> [I don't care what you say. You get your opinion, I get my opinion. What, ok [I'll tell ((censored)) unintelligent you are [right]. [Well, I ((censored)) XXXXXXXXXXX][yeah], ok. You are gonna sit here and justified bigger drug dealing thirty seconds go. Look at me, now[ --> [I don't justified the [XXXXX[ --> [So, you] think it's ok? You love this guy Yes, I do. [[= okay], uhhm (.) [[From my heart]. Are you gonna do a lie detector test today to proof [(.) you]'re not cheating and you're not prostituting [Yes.] Uhm, let's just, if we can (1.0) get you to answer the accusations he has made. He says- (.) I mean (.) this is important You know, I'm not cheating on you, (1.0) I love you, I wouldn't do that to you, after all we have been through with each other, my kids love you they call you da::d Right. I don't let them get close to anyone, you know. I wouldn't do that to you, XXXXX [I love you] [What- ] what- how did you manage to get so much money from waitressing then? I've been working at my job for quite a while and I have people, who come in, who actually come all nights at my work and made tip well But five hundred XXXXXX I sur- surprised, that's a lot of money [[Yes, it is] and in what I do, yes, it is [[In what[ --> When they tip you, do they also scratch your back? 'Cause you came back with scratch XXXXX on your back No:::, No::: so what about that? Do they get [points for the XXXXX?] [I don't know XXXXXXX] scratches Haha, [like panks, XXXXXXX of] [No one is scratching my back] You know how you grab, you that you can actually [see that] [No::] I don't like why they do it What about [the phone calls] [Sometimes, when]- when [we are[ --> [What about] the phone calls at three o'clock in the morning and he just said and I quote she ran out, it's honey I got you those things it's secret, she's turning on the water flushing the- the toilet what's [that all about] [That's crazy] that is [crazy] [Crazy,] yeah Sometimes my friend calls me, she does need my help, she's a single mother, she's got four kids and she calls and ask me [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [She calls you as excuse every ti::me] That's not an excuse. [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] (directed towards the audience) That's not an excuse. You answered the phone when she has called. And I also answered the phone when I want XXXXXXX What about the - what about the heavy missing XXXXXXXXXX sex XXXXXXXXXXXXX That's crazy, Huh, like sometimes I drive with the windows down. And if I come back[XX --> [With your head out? No. Haha ((audience laughing)) No. No. That's crazy. No. Let's bring you back to the money. (2.0) I mean, I- I -I [I think] I think that you- I mean I'm sadly thinking [That's what I wanna know] You're [talking] [No, I'm] not cheating [on you] [You're very honest] So please stop thinking that [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [You're very-you're] very I mean whoever or whatever is telling you XXXXXX you thinking these crazy dots please stop it, I'm not cheating on you XXXXX you [know XXXXX[ [Where'd you] get the money from then? From my job and I am like an[--> [Five hundred dollars a [night to be a waitress] [And I spend a lot] The majority of the money I get, I spend on you He's two month- (.) two years old Two month or two years? Two years. Right. When was the last time you saw him? Uh (.) when he was uh (.) thirty months old. You haven't seen this child [for twen]ty-one month, why? [Uhu.] Jacky. Buu::t you[ - you take] [I won't be seing XXX[ [From[ man to man XXXXXXXX be seeing Ok, what is the thing, right, man to man. If- if- if- uhm AAAA Have you actually XXXXXX spied to the job? No. No, sir, I have no. Not yet. I (0.5) take care of that child. That's what she's gone XXXXX And you know something [this child] is two [Oh, I do] = and [a half] years old, (.) not two. [I tell you what][ok] That's great that XXXXXXXX She tells me that there was a history. Which is why she has a concern that you AAAAA That with uhh, another ex- relationship and another job (.) you stole a child [for two or three month] [No, I never stole my child] What happened? Uhhh, let's see:::[ --> [Uhh, let's see [what? Did] you take the child or not? Yeah, but I never stole my child. ((audience laughing)) That's a [XXXXXX[ --> [[Did the person you took it from know] you were taking the child? [[The mother wanted her child back] Yes, [my ex-wife]. [S::: so- so ] this is basically, this is Jacky steering it to make sure [that you]- [But] ((stopping her with hands)) 'Cause I`m trying- how to saying I'm trying to find a little XXXXX This is Jacky steering it because when she did say when she came out to be fair to you (.) Mhm = he was never good enough. I never thought he was good enough. maybe let's turn it round. Maybe you just never thought he was good enough and maybe AAAA What you say there? [[He never worked] [[XXXXXXXXXThere] And [[yes, I have worked] [[He never worked] I have worked Ok, the whole time he and Jennifer were getting two jobs for a week at a time Yeah, but uh AAAAA Oh, in the first three month, ok, after that first three month, ah:: [clothes] ['Cause you won't let me be around him] I mean you wouldn't [let him[send them [You know-[ Open up [XXXXXX cards] with [his name] [No,no,no] [no,no,no] I [[did not want you] to be round [[I even thought XXX[ But now I gonna tell you what if you wanted to come to Ivnett, and come to her place and perhaps somebody with her that would prevent you from stealing this child you could come Do you know what my con[cern is] [You could] come [[Can I- can I- ] can I just say what my concern is? [[You could come] I'd gonna XXXXXX Yes I did but I also [tell you that I[ --> [So you admit] on service- you're admitting that = you're sleeping with Ken's boss? [[I uh-[ [[You gotta tell him because [this is XXX[ --> [I do admit] Bill, that I slept with his boss. I'm no longer sleeping with his boss, his boss weren't good enough to make me wanna leave him. Really? Yes. [[What do you want she XXXX here XXXXX= [[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] The boss is here in a minute but you're saying- yuck, you're saying the boss was bad in bed, (.) all right? I wouldn't say the boss was bad in bed. I would say the moment was good but it been last long enough to make [moreXXXX] [Kiss me like] XXXXX No question, so what do you wanna say happen the days because I don't call this problems I saw the problem, what can I do to keep you two together? What can we do? Make him realize that XXXX do know Bill that[ --> [let him be honest on the XXXXXXX] [XXXXXX come on XXX] Let him be honest on the west coast, how was it on the East coast? Make him realize Bill that all women's are XXXXXX to whale watching witch craft and all ((censored)) You know- ehhh- just let him realize that some of the things I do he have [to[ --> [What do you wanna to do that he won't do Watching XXXX football but what are you XXXXXXXXXX No. Well it's like this AAAA I don't like sports. I said so. Baby, why don't you tell me when I first met you, so I'm not AAAAAAAA I told you. I told you [XXXXX] [Is he] constantly accusing you of cheating, it's a daily undesirable event Bill, you know what, we could be watching cheaters Cheaters? XXXXXXXXXX the thing XXXXXX, they sit here as you ((directed towards Ken)) ((audience laughing)) There's not XXXXXXXX. And [[also[ --> [[So[ --> And - and you accused her of wedding your own cXXXX explain that. Look how your nails are done you- I fail like ((audience is laughing)) She's a nice pair of shoes, [[I:: like the shoes and XXX] [[And the shoes and her hair] [[Your wheels are gone, your wheels are gone] [[I mean its- huh, I mean its] I mean it's there XXXX

You can't expect first to have a family when you're going


You've shown me a different side. You've shown me that you were straight, that you love me


You didn't have anything for other guys [XXXXXXXXX[ -->

[Ok] [Marcel, how would you feel if Paola was in an lesbian relationship [Gu::y] with another woman?


I'd be fine with it [[You'd be[ -->


[I'd be fine with it. AAAA Do you think she deserves the truth. It is not about having sex with a man or a woman. It is about the dishonesty and the cheating Right. [[That's the point] [[I- I- I- told] her that, right like I wanna c:::confess that to you because I wanna marry you, Paola and I- I'd [be XXXXXXXXXXXX[ --> [He loves you and] wants be with you You're that- you should [deserve that to[ -->

[And you wanna be] with other men?


So, because the whole world does something you have to do it you [follow the path (.) that's it you follow the path

[No, that's how I feel that ugh- eh - accept that

I don't follow the [path, I'm sorry]

I follow the path [Did your family and friends] think something- Something was out of Marcel's - friends of yours and [fam[-->

[Yes, they did and I was nai::ve [because I've known] him

[You defended him.]

For- for under that (.) [I -->

[What did they tell you? What do [they say?]

[They make-] don't you see the justice that he mix the way that he- he talks sometimes, the way he looks to other people


I've known him since I was [in middle school]

[And you defended him]

Of course, I w:::: believed him, I trusted him, I gave him [my heart]

[And you don't] trust me any more?

No, of course


You didn't confess. You XXXXX I found out that you are gay and now because you're in the hotspot now [you XXXXXXXX]

[You did not] confess Marcel, you got caught and there's a big difference.
You're damn well that my family. If they knew what you're doing ((bleep)) they would not talk to you You know, [[the XXXXX is-] now wait, wait, [[Travers, let's do this] [[Go ahead] [[The XXXXX] is you still, you've still slept with more girls than I've ever slept with guys What? Before I was with you and I was to get ((bleep)) I'm sorry [[Watch your language] [[Because you're a] teen[ager] [Yes, sir] - I'm sorry because you're a teenager it's ok and you didn't get paid so it's ok What - What you're doing five girls a day? [[No:::] [[Yes, I've] a story about that one All- all- wh- what's the story XX[ --> [I was a kid It doesn't matter. Kid, not a kid it just means that I [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] [I still] [I still] [Travers, you] wanna give her an ultimatum today because you came here all way across the country and we've had XXXXX on many times we bet on lovely girls and you are beautiful. Do you wanna give her an [ultimatum?] [Please stop] or I leave. Bye? ((audience: ohhhhh)) Here's my answer. AAAAA Watch, it doesn't matter. You really think the judge is gonna be like [ok you never XXXXXXXXX[ --> [Well, in Atlanta, XXXXXX is not unusual] Thank you. in XXXXXXX Yeah, but still how are you gonna take care of the kids when you working sixty [hours a week] [Uhhm, I make] enough money to pay for a nanny And so- so you call a lawyer if she doesn't stop her XXXXX work Yeah How you get the money for that? My dad. Yeah, cause your dad has got the money Uhm I just [XXXXXXXXXXX the] money, cause we're married. [What's gonna happen[ --> That's not gonna happen Darian, what's gonna happen when your family discovers what line of work you're in? [[X uuuuh- [[Maybe] talk [to them?] [Your family]. You gonna tell them at some point. No, I don't. It might be on television. You might get published ((audience laughing)) You're not bad XXXXXing [yeah] That'll be fine. what's gonna happen when your family finds out? XXXXXXXXXX so maybe leave her. AAAAA So say you, hm, I know better. Okay. [[We'll see what's happens.] [[I gonna tell them]. Go for it. [[Right.] [[I mean] before you leave this statement- Travers, do you love Darian? I love her more than anything. [[Darian, do you love Travers?] [[Well, that's a XXXXXXXXXXX]. Most days. Good cop[, bad cop] [And I'm good] And I'm good in what I do XXXXXXXXXXX[XXX[ --> [He is the master stylist I'm the [master stylist] [Well, well hold- but] [[I mean XXXXX]XXXXXXXX when = [[XXXXXXXXXXX] = They come up [the salon] [XXXXXXXX[XXmean] [What is she doing? I'm the lead[ing example]. [XXXXXXXXXXX[XXme] [Tell me what she's doing] She's- she's XXXXX were all of their place in [the salon]. [Too friendly] They had gotten off, they laugh, they chat to each other and over fifteen to twenty hours a day. I've a very hectic schedule You're a hard - working man I'm a very- I'm the hardest working man of show business Oh. Skyler hold on- hold on. First of all. It's not that I let them do what I wanna do. I try to give him- give them a chance. Do you understand wh[at I'm saying?] [You give them] a chance to [XXX]XXX[XX]XX. [No.] [No.] No. AAAAA I did no XXXX,[ (.) but] I told you [Ok but you] No you didn't. Whose weed was it Skyler? It was all his weed. All his weed. But Skyler[- Look at the videotext XXXXXX to me. [[But-] [[XXXXXX videotext] [But[- [They] admire you. But Skyler listen to me[XX --> [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX See [this XXXXXXXXX]XXXXXXX[XXXXXXXXXXX] [why wasn't he-[ [why wasn't he] fired? Now, I knew XXXXXXXX we can [XXXXX]XXXXX all I wanna say [Why?] I'm going, I'm sorry. Good Go:::d My point is, he knows that he was smoking weed, I did not know. When I heard him, that were his friends. He heard them (.) he [they can-[ --> [so, he's res]ponsible? That's right. AAAA And I'm trying to tell you guys what it takes to make it happen, [(.) ok] [do you] think she needs [a step up?] [I cannot] run out there. No Bill, listen to me Ok, ok No, he needs a step-up You need to step-up Let me tell me why Tell me why AAAA First of all, If he oversee the floor. I gotta that back. Do you understand what I'm saying? [[It takes two[--> [[You got that] back. Right, it takes two people to [XXXXX[--> [That's why the XXXXXX] was found No, it wasn't in the back where [XXXXX back] [XXXX In the] back where you = were stan[ding around]. [No- you but I'm trying[ --> Are you not listen? Let me tell the story. Uh-Uh Ok, what I'm trying to tell you is. Skyler as a master stylist. He's supposed to oversee the floor. Try to make them- give them good instructions and make sure that they're doing their jobs. Do you understand what I'm saying? I understand yeah. And he is- is supposed to [tell me] [What is the] issue? What the issue is? Well (.)[--> [What the issue is? Skyler that's XXXXXXXXX We can XXXXX start XXXXX But today's the day [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[XXXXXX] today. [XXXX hold on] [Listen.] You're asking permission of this [for a different man] [For a different man] Davis, can I go somewhere, please? Ok no, not even like that Not even like[ that --> He XXXXXXX doing you that? No. XXXXXXXXXX give you homework? [[ No[ --> [[XXXXXXXXXX give you homework? Because he is XXXXX we do work - pffff Ok, it was just a fast move, we work from three to midnight, so I have no time to hang out with anyone AAAA We don't wanna start argument inside this fast food place so we left Ok, [[Tony, XXX]XXXXXX in his old creepy control [[And that is how it happens] Tell her what's your grief All, all the XXXX Tell. Tell. Tell her your grief. I mean other than of two situations AAAA What's going on, I need your help. I'm calling you now. Oh, she can't talk right now She doesn't need [your help, she d-[--> [Ashley, why can't] you hang out with your old friends and make new friends? [[I-[ --> [[Why] can't you do both? I do, it's just the fact that any time I hang out then if I been up to dating Davis. If I ever say one word about him. It's non-stop getting on my ((bleep)) [[Just[- [[This] Yea[[::::::h (.) and] it's so annoying [[Can you do this?] Like that's [XXXXXXXXXXXX] [Let's do this, what we] meet, Let's meet the boyfriend Davis